We are excited about the great news on several new grants from NSF:
Our project titled “Next-Generation Safe and Dexterous Robot Hands using High-Torque Direct-Drive Actuation” is awarded by the NSF Foundational Research in Robotics program! We are excited to start working on high-torque direct-drive actuators to enable new high-performance robotic actuation solutions, and we look forward to working together with Dr. Ashish Deshpande at UT-Austin to explore the new robotic capabilities endowed by the advances in actuation technology!
Our project titled “Wafer-Scale Ultrathin Layered Device Array Assembly through a Precision Soft-Robotic Stamp Transfer Process” is awarded by the NSF Advanced Manufacturing program! We will collaborate with Professor Jamie Warner’s group at UT-Austin to conduct fundamental research that removes technical barriers towards the deterministic assembly of monolayer materials into wafer-scale device arrays!
Last but not least, we are thrilled to receive NSF travel support for the 10th ASPE Student Challenge! We look forward to the exciting and fun event in November at Boston!