
News of PMCL@UW-Madison

  • PMCL at ASPE 2024

    We had a fantastic week at the 39th American Society for Precision Engineering Annual meeting in Houston, TX, where Jingjie made an oral presentation on his work on surrogate-model assisted control co-design framework for overactuated …

  • Welcome Anson and Daniil!

    We are thrilled to welcome Anson and Daniil as the newest members of the PMCL group!

  • PMCL Presents at 2024 WEMPEC Annual Review

    We presented our research at the 2024 WEMPEC annual review, and we had lots of fun interacting with our member companies through presentations, open-lab poster sessions, and networking.

  • Dr. Zhou joins ASPE board of directors

    Congratulations to Dr. Lei Zhou on being elected as Director-at-Large of the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE)!

  • Welcome on board, Mohammad!

    We are excited to have Mohammad ErfaniMatin joining PMCL as a new PhD student! Mohammad earned his B.S. in 2019 and his M.S. in 2022, both in Mechanical Engineering, from the University of Tehran. His …

  • PMCL won multiple awards at 2023 ASPE annual meeting

    PMCL members attended the 38th American Society of Precision Engineering annual meeting! Four projects from our group were presented at the conference by Jingjie, Ian, Laura, and Sean. We are also extremely excited to receive …

  • PMCL win IJAT Best Review Award

    PMCL review article “Magnetic Levitation Technology for Precision Motion Systems: A Review and Future Perspectives” has been selected to receive the IJAT Best Review Award! Congratulations!    

  • Welcome on board YiZhou, Junnan, and Owen!

    We are excited to welcome YiZhou and Junnan to join our group as graduate research assistants, and welcome Owen to join us as an undergraduate researcher! We also had the first UW-Madison PMCL ice cream …

  • PMCL receives new NSF grants!

    We are excited about the great news on several new grants from NSF: Our project titled “Next-Generation Safe and Dexterous Robot Hands using High-Torque Direct-Drive Actuation” is awarded by the NSF Foundational Research in Robotics …

  • PMCL joins UW-Madison!

    Precision Mechatronics and Control Lab moved to the University of Wisconsin-Madison! We are affiliated with both Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering to conduct multidisciplinary mechatronics research integrating precision …

PMCL News prior to start at UW-Madison:

Jul. 2023: Our paper “Integrated Magnetic Location Sensing and Actuation of Steerable Robotic Catheters for
Peripheral Arterial Disease Treatment” was accepted for publication in Robotics and Automation Letters! Congratulations Jingjie, Ithza, Kevin, and Alexa!

Jun. 2023: PMCL members Seonghyo and Jingjie presented at MSEC-NAMRC 2023 at New Brunswick, New Jersey, in which Dr. Zhou organized the symposium on Manufacturing Equipment and Automation.


Apr. 2023: Our paper “LevCube: A Six-Degree-of-Freedom Magnetically Levitated Nanopositioning Stage with Centimeter-Range XYZ Motion” was accepted for publication in Precision Engineering! Congratulations Ian and Jingjie!

Feb. 2023: Congrats to Seonghyo for receiving an honorable mention in ME department poster competition!

Dec. 2022: Our team is receiving an award from META reality labs! We look forward to starting working on the new project together with META.

Oct. 2022: PMCL members participated in the 37th ASPE Annual Meeting at Bellevue, WA. Laura, Ian, and Abdel presented their posters, and Jingjie’s work was featured in an oral session presented by Dr. Zhou. Ian and Laura participated in the ASPE student challenge this year. Congratulations to UT-Austin Team #2 (the team of our very own Laura) won 2nd place in the ASPE student challenge!


Sep. 2022: Our team is receiving an award from the Sony Research Award Program: Thank you Sony!

Jul. 2022: Two papers from PMCL are presented virtually at the International Symposium of Flexible Automation. Video presentations are now available at our group YouTube channel.

Jun. 2022: Congrats to Jingjie for the excellent presentation at ACC 2022 in Atlanta!

May. 2022: Congratulations to Ian, Laura, Abdel, Malek, Jonathan, and Sean for their graduation! A big step in life!

Apr. 2022: PMCL group picnic at Eastwoods Neighborhood Park!

Apr. 2022: Two papers from PMCL are accepted for presentation at the 2022 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA). Congratulations Jingjie, Ian, Malek!

Apr. 2022: Congratulations to Laura for getting recognition by the NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program!

Apr. 2022: Congratulations to Andrew for receiving the Undergraduate Research Fellowship at UT Austin!

Mar. 2022: Congratulations to Ian for being selected as the first-place winner in the 2022 ME department’s poster competition!

Mar. 2022: Our review article “Magnetic Levitation Technology for Precision Motion Systems: A Review and Future Perspectives” is accepted for publication in the International Journal of Automation Technology.

Feb. 2022: Our paper “Control Co-design of Actively Controlled Lightweight Structures for High-Acceleration Precision Motion Systems” is accepted for presentation at the 2022 American Control Conference. Congrats Jingjie!

Nov. 2021: Congratulations to Sean for receiving the Undergraduate Research Fellowship at UT-Austin!

Nov. 2021: Congratulations to Ian for receiving the Graham Siddall Scholarship, a scholarship endowed by Dr. Graham Siddall to recognize a student scholar in the field of precision engineering! A great achievement!

Nov. 2021: Ian, Laura, Jingjie, and Seonghyo presented their papers at the 36th ASPE Annual Meeting held in Minneapolis, USA: Keep up the great work!

Sep. 2021: Seonghyo joined PMCL as a graduate student. Welcome!

Mar. 2021: Congratulations to Seonghyo for receiving the Undergraduate Research Fellowship at UT-Austin!

Jan. 2021: Dr. Lei Zhou has been appointed to the editorial board of Precision Engineering as an Associate Editor.

Nov. 2020: Jingjie joined Precision Mechatronics and Control Lab. Welcome!

Oct. 2020: Ian and Laura joined Precision Mechatronics and Control Lab. Welcome!

Sep. 2020: Abdel joined Precision Mechatronics and Control Lab. Welcome!

Aug. 2020: Our paper “Magnetically Levitated Linear Stage with Linear Bearingless Slice Hysteresis Motors” is accepted by IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.

Aug. 2020: Precision Mechatronics and Control Lab founded at the University of Texas at Austin!